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Drainage on landscape area concrete slab
Lebanese National Library – Beirut (Lebanon)
3 120 m2
To allow the drainage of rainwater under the concrete slab and thus avoid infiltration and accumulation of water, the COVERDRAIN FT solution was installed on the forecourt of the Lebanese National Library.

Water and gas drainage for caps
Landfill AL GHABAWI - AMMAN (Jordanie)
170 000 m2
DRAINTUBE FT was installed for the drainage of rainwater in the cover of a landfill at the Ghabawi waste storage center. Placed on the waterproofing system, DRAINTUBE FT also ensures its mechanical protection.

Waterproofing of the tailing sludge pond
[Hydraulic structures]
Libanlait - Bekah (Lebanon)
13 000 m2
As part of the construction of a pond to collect and store dairy sludge residues, AFITEX Middle East supplied the waterproofing geomembrane and a geotextile to ensure its mechanical protection.

Leachate drainage on slopes
Waste landfill in Hbaline Jubeil (Lebanon)
7 200 m2
AFITEX Middle East supplied DRAINTUBE FT for efficient drainage and collection of slope leachate from sanitary waste and rainfall.

Leachate drainage at the bottom of a landfill
Zahleh Municipality Landfill Site (Lebanon)
17 000 m2
DRAINTUBE FT was installed on the liner system to drain the leachate from the bottom and the slope at the Zahleh landfill and to evacuate it to a recovery basin.

Pre-consolidation platform for the creation of a road
[Public works]
RD22 - La Chapelle d’Armentières (59)
15 000 m2
During the construction of the RD22 road, soil was identified as compressible. To consolidate the ground, a solution combining vertical drains at a depth of 22 m with the SOMTUBE FTF draining geocomposite was selected.

Waterproofing of motorway ponds
[Hydraulic structures]
A63 stormwater ponds - Saint-Geours-de-Maremne (40)
67 000 m2
To ensure the sustainability and waterproofing of the A63 stormwater ponds, a DRAINTUBE® FT solution was implemented. It drains rising groundwater while guaranteeing the waterproofing of the ponds.

Drainage under and within the body of the dike
[Hydraulic structures]
Development of controlled flooding field structures - Renty (62)
7 800 m2 (under dike)
As a result of frequent floods, flood storage areas were developed to receive flood waters. SOMTUBE® FTF and DRAINATEX® were used to guarantee the sustainability of the dikes as well as water drainage.

Seawall construction and reinforcement
[Public works]
LA COUARDE SUR MER seawall - Ile de Ré (17)
1 500 m2
The construction of a protective seawall poses numerous internal stability issues. The NOTEX® GX solution helps address these issues by guaranteeing the stability of the seawall.